“Our mission is to aid rapid increase in the reuse of construction materials by speeding up the process of bringing the materials to market spaces by using the latest technologies such as BigData, Artificial Intelligence and object recognitions to speed up the processes within construction material reuse the supply chain.” (LINK Consortium)
What is the perceived challenge?
Circularity of used construction materials is extremely poor due to high input costs and issues with availability of products to match the requirements from building design point of view. UK’s construction industry consumes approximately 400 million tonnes of construction material per annum and produces over 120 million tonnes of construction waste. Although 90% of the construction and demolition waste (C&D) is recovered, much of it is downcycled for future use as aggregates and
alarming nearly 5 million tonnes are sent to landfills.
The LINK consortium has consulted with key movers and shakers within the construction and interior finishing industry in order to utilise the latest technologies to deliver a viable solution to aid growth in the reuse of construction products materials, which would support a reduction in
embodied carbon emissions.
LINK proposes link into new and existing reuse construction market spaces by focusing on three key areas being developed: